When you believe you can, you can!
Now that we are well into the start of the year, it’s time to crack on with all the plans you’ve made. Time to make 2023 live up to what you really want it to be.
The question is what do you actually believe is possible?
The bottom line is: If you believe you can, you can. If you believe you can’t, you can’t!
What we believe, is the cornerstone of everything we go on to achieve.
But it’s important to understand which of our beliefs are disempowering and holding us back and those which are empowering and will propel us forward.
Changing what we believe about ourselves can help us gain a much more proactive and positive outlook. Which will ultimately lead to us achieving what we desire in life.
As you may remember, from my last blog, I have spent the last month recovering from Covid and as I’ve been well and truly forced to sit or lay down, I had lots of opportunity to think.
I could have chosen to wallow and feel sorry for myself and I won’t lie, initially, I did. I had a little cry to myself as I lay in bed upstairs, all alone, isolating on Christmas day.
I felt like I had ruined Christmas.
I had run around like a mad woman like most of us had for the few weeks before getting everything ready. I only had one day off, but I was gonna make it count. For once I had everything wrapped, the tree was up, so were the decorations and I was using every spare bit of time to make sure everything was done.
Looking back I had worn myself out, I had pushed myself to the max and so when Covid came along, it completely wiped me out. The last time I’ve felt that ill, I had glandular fever back when I was just seventeen.
The overwhelming thing that helped me was that I believed I would get better. Once I had, I knew I could continue with my plans for an extraordinary year ahead.
I knew I had to rest. I knew I had to take my time, I couldn’t rush it but I could do something to help myself. I used my time wisely.
I knew I couldn’t change my situation, but I could change my mind set and what I believed about the situation.
I spent alot of time thinking, reading, researching things I hadn’t had time to for ages. I had one thing at my disposal and that was plenty of time.
I ate as well as possible, plenty of fruit and vegetables. I drank lots of water, which is something I often struggle with and I planned. Once I was well enough to sit up and function properly, I kept my mind as occupied as possible.
I put plans in place for my business, I sorted my accounts, basically anything I could do, that involved sitting down. I started an online course that I had wanted to do for ages. Anything to stop my mind from creating it’s own negative downward spiral. It’s actually turned out to be hugely beneficial in keeping me positive and forward focused.
Mid-way through the month I felt ok to go back to work, but I misjudged it and ended up laid up in bed again. I felt back to square one. I was more frustrated than ever. My brain was fine but my body just didn’t want to play ball.
However I still believed as long as I looked after myself I would be back to my old self soon enough.
Again I rested and slowly little by little my energy started to come back. After a while I set myself small acheivable goals, walking to the bus stop, then slightly further each day until I finally managed to tackle the train station again. The first time I had to have a sleep for two hours afterwards!
But then I decreased the distance and slowly built back up again. Never once did I stop believing it was possible. It’s taken a lot longer than I ever would have expected, but I have persevered and finally, I have my energy back. At last I feel like full throttle Janey!
There will always be difficult days, but I’m listening to my body and taking time out when I need to.
However, I’m back on track and can’t wait to get going properly again.
Discovery Club is back and we are focusing on how, what we believe we can do, makes a massive difference in our life.
Going forward all my blogs are going to be directly linked to what we are covering in Discovery Club and I’m so excited that it’s going to follow the agenda I use for my Discovery programme, which has a very holistic approach. I have very much set my intentions for this year ahead and I can’t wait to take you along with me.
As well as Discovery club and the Discovery programme, I have other one to one packages available too. I currently have space for a couple of new clients, so if you are interested, contact me via this website and we can discover your ideal life together.
As for Discovery club it’s over zoom on every other Wednesday at 8pm, and the more the merrier. We are a lovely friendly bunch and every time somebody new comes along, it gives the group a whole new lovely dynamic, so if you’ve been thinking about it for a while, come and join us we really would love to have you there.
Anyway that’s all for now, look after yourself and keep discovering!
Lots of love
Jane xxx